Owning Our Otherness

Photo of Jenny Wigham
Photo of Jenny Wigham facilitating sound bath

In a world that demonizes non-conformity, I found the purest spiritual connection in celebrating my otherness.

Bear, “Brilliant Imperfection” by Eli Claire

Owning Our Otherness is a yoga, meditation, sound healing and mindfulness community created by Jenny Wigham (she/her). My goal as an instructor/facilitator is to make the principles and practices of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and sound healing accessible to every body type and demographic.

To debunk popular beliefs that one can’t do yoga because they aren’t flexible enough, strong enough, patient enough, rich enough, don’t have enough time or are just too awkward.

To help people build a healthy relationship to their body, to become aware of the noise the mind/ego can create, to hold a comfortable space for students to allow themselves to feel either emotions, and explore their internal enviroments towards making peace with what they discover there.

To do my part to use my proximity to priviledge and power to help create sustainable change towards equality for all living beings. And support others in their own social justice journeys. To recongize the philosophies of yoga direct us towards and support the need for social justice work.

To help us realize we're whole just as we are. It's our defense mechanisms, holding patterns, limiting beliefs, embodied traumas and buying into the false stories we allow society and ourselves to impose that need to be let go so that our true light can shine. To help us all be better at being human, by celebrating our sameness and by Own Our Otherness

I am available for hire for public classes, private lessons, retreats, corporate events and building corporate wellness programs.
I am also available for group sound baths or one-on-one sound healing sessions.

Email owningourotherness@gmail.com for more info.

Weekly Schedule






  • 10:15am Fundamentals of Yoga
    @ Holladay County Library
    Free and open to all
    1st, 2nd & 3rd Saturdays: All Levels Yoga
    (No class May 11th or July 13th) 4th Saturdays: Mindfulness Exploration: Meditaion, Breathwork & Yoga Philosophy (May-Aug), Chair Yoga (Sept-Dec)
    Join our facebook community


Upcoming Events

Sound Bath Experience


  • 3rd Friday of every month
    Friday May 17th
    @ Salt Lake City Boulder Project
    $15 for memebers or $20 for non-members
    Learn more

A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

The experience begins with each person lying down or seated in a comfortable position, with the option to use the support of props (blankets, blocks, bolsters, eye masks, etc) for ultimate comfort. After some guided focus on the breath and a grounding meditation, the remainder of the time is filled with different sounds and frequencies. The sounds are created by a set of crystal sound bowls, drum, gong, chimes, rattles and tuning forks that resonate at different tones that wash over the body. The effects may vary and can include a sense of deep relaxation, reduction of stress, reduction of inflammation, lowering of blood pressure and heart rate, and can help cultivate an internal environment for healing.